A Guide to Wedding Cigar Bars and Favors
Cigars are a celebrated symbol of festivity, success, and camaraderie, making them ideal wedding favors. They create a shared experience, inviting guests to partake in a centuries-old tradition that brings people together in a celebratory fashion.
With their rich flavors and varied profiles, cigars cater to connoisseurs and novices alike, adding to the wedding experience in the form of favors or an interactive cigar bar. They serve as a tangible memory throughout the wedding journey, from the engagement party to the bachelor party to the actual wedding day, encapsulating the essence of the celebration in a way few other gifts can.
Once known as the “Cigar Capital of the World,” our very own Ybor City was the center of the cigar industry in the late 1800s, attracting skilled artisans from Cuba, Spain, and Italy. These craftsmen imported an art that has since made Tampa Bay known for its rich and vibrant history of cigar making. Factories were known for their communal and social environments, cementing the industry’s significant historical and cultural importance in Florida.
For nearly 150 years, LM Cigars has been one of the most prominent cigar manufacturers in Ybor City, renowned for its high-quality, hand-rolled cigars using traditional methods. Their commitment to quality and craftsmanship has led to its celebrated history.
To understand what you need to create the perfect cigar bar and which cigars make the best gifts, we’ve partnered with LM Cigars to create a guide on how to include cigars on your wedding day.
Use code “MMTB” for a free Boca Grande Sungrown ashtray and free shipping with any purchase of $105+
This article is sponsored by LM Cigars
How to Set Up a Cigar Bar
Weddings are all about the experience, and incorporating live entertainment, such as a cigar roller, adds sophistication and a unique encounter.
Choose an ideal location for your cigar bar: First, check that your wedding venue will allow a cigar bar and know where its designated smoking areas are. You’ll want to place your cigar bar in or near the reception space so that guests are aware of its presence and also close to the outdoor area to actually smoke. Bonus points if that area is covered in case of inclement weather and has fans or heaters to accommodate the weather outside.
Decide on the number of cigars you will need: Typically, the cigar bar is opened after dinner so as not to affect guests’ palettes, so it may be open for only a couple of hours. It is important to have enough cigars on hand and to avoid running out of stock. You can also set a limit on the number of cigars per guest to avoid excess consumption.
Have a variety of cigars for both the novice and aficionado: Similar to regular bars, there are levels of cigars, such as bottom and top shelf, and a cigar bar should offer options to cater to different patrons. Cigar smokers have different tastes and preferences, and not everyone is an expert when it comes to cigar smoking. You can choose an array of cigars from different countries, tobacco blends, and sizes.
You won’t want your guests at the cigar bar all night since they will be away from the main dance floor, so choose cigars with a shorter smoke time (petite cigars) and reserve longer smokes (Churchills) for guest favors.
Include all the essentials: A cigar bar must have all the necessities for a complete cigar experience, including ashtrays, lighters, and cigar cutters. Add a personal touch with custom matches or cigar cutters. The ashtrays can easily complement the theme of your wedding; just make sure they are large enough to accommodate cigar ashes. They should be placed in strategic locations around the bar and smoking areas, as you don’t want guests ashing on themselves or the floor.
Add complementary cocktails: Pairing cigars with cocktails can enhance the flavors of both the tobacco and the drink. However, you do want to be careful what you are drinking while smoking, as both items are considered a luxury, and you don’t want to mix a pair that ends up ruining the taste of both the cigar and the drink. To ensure that the aromatic intensity of the cigar and the drink match, combine full-bodied cigars with bolder drinks, such as a whiskey-based cocktail, and light-bodied cigars with lighter drinks, such as a gin-based drink. This attention to detail will enhance the overall cigar bar experience and will provide guests with a complete sensory adventure.
Hire a cigar expert and or cigar roller: Your cigar bar should have an attendant who is a cigar expert. They can talk to guests about the different types of cigars, tobacco blends, and sizes. They can also give tips on how to properly smoke a cigar and how to pair it with different drinks. This will not only elevate your guests’ smoking experience but also give the best impression when it comes to cigars.
Best Cigars for a Cigar Bar
LM Cigars recommends:
Brick House Double Connecticut Toro
Perfect for novice cigar smokers because the Connecticut Shade wrapper gives the cigar a very mild and creamy flavor. The price point is also great for the quality of cigar that you get. It is a great value that is always a crowd pleaser.
Julius Caeser Toro
If you are looking to elevate your cigar bar options, the Julius Caeser Toro is the perfect fit. It is a super premium cigar that is right down the middle in terms of flavor and strength, so it works for new smokers and aficionados alike.
Best Cigars for Favors
Custom cigars add an element of personalization to the day. Couples can create personalized cigar labels or imprint the cellophane tubes with their wedding date.
LM Cigars recommends:
Brick House Crystal Churchill
The Brick House Crystal is perfect for keepsakes and gift-giving (think groom or father wedding day gifts) because of the beautiful glass tube that the cigar comes in. The sticker on the tube can be personalized with a favorite photo and accompanying text.
Brick House Traveler
This is the perfect cigar for a wedding favor because the tube that the cigar comes in makes a great presentation and also provides protection for the cigar for people who are traveling for the wedding and can throw it into a checked bag.
Use code “MMTB” for a free Boca Grande Sungrown ashtray and free shipping with any purchase of $105+
About LM Cigars
LM Cigars, formerly Luis Martinez, is located in the heart of Ybor City and has been a provider of quality cigars since 1876. They feature brands from all over the world, including Cuesta-Rey, A. Fuente, Brick House, and the Luis Martinez labels. Couples can receive free shipping on orders over $105.